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Kawasaki K3V Hydraulic Pump
Welcome 266.000 kg Weight to the K3V112DT-1RCR-9N09 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP online seller.
- 266.000 kg
- 200 mm
- 5 mm
- Machined Brass
- 3.24
- 570 rpm
- 2.13
- 2.18
Welcome to my shop! Glad to serve you! Please send your question!
- 266.000 kg
- 200 mm
- 5 mm
- Machined Brass
- 3.24
- 570 rpm
- 2.13
- 2.18
- Symmetric
- 6 mm
- Cylindrical Bore
- 0.340 to 0.450 mm
- 428 mm
- 720 rpm
- 7,900,000 N
- 15 mm
- 622 mm
- 0.31
- Fixed Inner Ring Rib
- 650 mm
K3V112DTP1RUR-9TBR KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Weight:56 lb; Grease Lubrication - B/C/O Seal:1000 rpm; Eng Internal Radial Clearance - Min:0.0024; Y1 - Geometry Factor:2.90; Dimension RAA:0.91 in; Dimension A:4.41 in; Bearing Number:22218; Dimension D Max:12.87 in; UPC Code:0883450350549; C0 - Static Load:87200 lb; Oil Lubrication - T Seal:2400 rpm; Housing Style:Two-Bolt Pillow Bloc; Dimension C:5.12 in; Dimension H:1.54 in; Float:0.083 in; Shaft Tolerance:0.0030 in; |
K3V112DT-1U5L-2N59 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Da (max):24 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:4,550 N; B:8 mm; Weight:0.019 kg; D:26 mm; Static Load Rating:1,970 N; ra (max):0.3 mm; Enclosure:Double Shield; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.023 mm; Factor fo:12.4; da (min):12 mm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:0.3 mm; Configuration:Single Row; Limiting Speed - Grease:30,000 rpm; d:10 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; |
K3V112DTP103R-9N0L KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Dimension P:0.9 in; Shaft Size:65 mm; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992097668; Support Type:Take-Up; Cor - Static Load Rating:42714 lbf; Seal Type:Kevlar Packing Seal; Dimension V:4.5 in; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:37768 lbf; Dimension H:1.6 in; Bearing Number:MSM65BR; Dimension D:9.0 in; Ca - Axial Load Rating:1978 lbf; Dimension B:6.0 in; Note:This product line wa; Dimension N:10.5 in; Bearing UPC:013992035103; |
K3V112DT-1R2R-9N09-6 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:7.72 in; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)5:34600 lbf; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:-0.09 in; d:5.5000 in; e - ISO Factor8:0.49; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0 in; Cg - Geometry Factor11:0.131; K - Factor7:1.2; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)4:134000 lbf; Series:74000; Bearing Weight:27.000 lb; |
K3V112DTP16RR-HN2F KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Groove Diameter:38.1 mm; Configuration:Double Row; D:40 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:12,000 rpm; Groove Width:1.4 mm; Enclosure:Open; Radial Clearance:0.011 to 0.025 mm; a (max):2.1 mm; Cy:2.9 mm; d:17 mm; B:17.5 mm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:0.6 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:15,000 N; Weight:0.090 kg; Dx:45.5 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:17,000 rpm; da:22 mm; Static Load Rating:9,250 N; |
K3V112DTP1N9R-0E11-V KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):45.3; D:160.000 mm; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):187.7; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.101; K - Factor2:1.24; Cup Part Number:KJHM720210; Series:HM720200; e - ISO Factor3:0.47; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius1:2.54 mm; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:143.00 mm; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:154.43 mm; C - Cup Width:32.000 mm; Y - ISO Factor4:1.28; |
K3V112DT-1X5R-2N09-5 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Tapped Hole Threads:M24; D4:825 mm; Thread D11:Tr710x7; Bn:106 mm; s:55 mm; i:50 mm; Suitable Lockplate No.:MS 31/710; D3:900 mm; T:30 mm; Weight:180.0 Kg; Dp:772 mm; |
K3V112DTP1SLR-9TCL KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Support Type:Four-Bolt Plummer Bl; Shaft Size:6-15/16 in; Maximum Speed:1030 rpm; Dimension K:6.0 in; Note:This product line wa; Dimension J:25.0 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal:HSE615BRHKPS; Bearing Number:HSE615BR; Bearing UPC:013992056085; Dimension L:30.0 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:419718 lbf; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Re; Shipping Weight:1127 lb; Seal Type:Kevlar Packing Seal; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:298996 lbf; |
K3V112DT-1RBR-9T1S KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Series:94000; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:7.6 in; C0 - Static Radial Rating:242000 lbf; D1 - Flange Outer Diameter:11.8084 in; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:38500 lbf; Design Units:Imperial; D:11.3750 in; T1 - Bearing Width:2.5000 in; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:10.75 in; Y - ISO Factor9:1.28; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:0.130 in; |
K3V112DTP1A9R-9TGL-V KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:118025 lbf; Bolt Size:4 x M24; Shaft Size:4-11/16 in; Housing Width:7.2 in; Dimension M:7.0 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal:MSE411BRHKPS; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992097408; Note:This product line wa; Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Cor - Static Load Rating:157366 lbf; Bearing Number:MSE411BR; Support Type:Four-Bolt Plummer Bl; Dimension L:22.0 in; Dimension K:4.7 in; |
K3V112DTP164R-HN07 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Configuration:Single Row; Outside Ring Inside Diameter:440 mm; r1:5 mm; Db (max):452 mm; Enclosure:Open; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:5 mm; Weight:70.000 kg; d:280 mm; Static Load Rating:1,680,000 N; ra (max):4 mm; Da (max):478 mm; db (min):302 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:1,400 rpm; Db (min):478 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:1,140,000 N; dc (min):343 mm; db (max):336 mm; Radial Clearance:0.125 to 0.195 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:1,200 rpm; |
K3V112DTP1M9R-9CA9 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Fillet Radius/Chamfer:2 mm; ra:2 mm; Dx:152 mm; a (max):4.9 mm; B:44.4 mm; Da:130 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:2,800 rpm; Radial Clearance:0.025 to 0.051 mm; da:90 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Cy:7.4 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Open; Limiting Speed - Oil:4,000 rpm; Weight:2.480 kg; Dynamic Load Rating:97,500 N; Configuration:Double Row; D:140 mm; Groove Diameter:135.2 mm; Static Load Rating:88,500 N; |
K3V112DTP1KYR-0E01-V KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | B - Cone Width:1.1142 in; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.13 in; Design Units:Imperial; a - Effective Center Location4:0.02 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)6:30700 lbf; Cone Part Number:HM903249A; C0 - Static Radial Rating:29700 lbf; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.14 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:53400 lbf; |
K3V112DT-1GMR-9C79-1 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Series Type:Light Series; Weight:111 lb; Dimension M:4.7 in; Bearing Number:LSE408BR; Bearing - Housing - Seal:LSE408BRHKPS; Ca - Axial Load Rating:4181.39 lbf; Housing Width:5.5 in; Note:This product line wa; Dimension J:15.4 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992089687; Bolt Size:2 x M24; Dimension H1:2.4 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:95993 lbf; Dimension H2:12.4 in; |
K3V112DT-1M4R-9C22-1 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:52800 lbf; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)2:13700 lbf; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):81.8; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):49.9; DD:98.9 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:170000 N; Series:32015XM; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:85 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)5:35000 N; |
K3V112DTP10SR-HN02 KAWASAKI K3V HYDRAULIC PUMP | Weight:1.0 Kg; d1:105.00 mm; Appropriate Withdrawal Nut No.:KM24; L:82.00 mm; L11:86.00 mm; Appropriate Hydraulic Nut:HMV24; Taper:1:12; b:11 mm; Thread D12:M120x2; |
No. | Brand | Q | L | s | H | E | N | i | F |
K3V112DTP16AR-9N49-1 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1G6R-9C22 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1K2R-9N1A-2 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1RAR-9TGL-AV | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1M4R-9C12 | KAWASAKI | - | 410.00 mm | - | 271 mm | - | 26 mm | - | - |
K3V112DTP16TR-HN1F | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1XKR-9C02 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1Y5L-2P69 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1XDR-9N2A | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1X5R-2N79 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1KMR-YT0K-HV | KAWASAKI | - | 165.00 mm | - | 74 mm | - | 15 mm | - | - |
K3V112DTP179R-9TCL | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP16FR-9N49 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1X5R-2N09-1 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1XHR-9N64-2V | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP16VR-9N49 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1LLR-YT7K-V | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1XKR-9N74-1 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP17LR-9TDL | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1K9R-YT6K-V | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1C9R-9THL | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP1ALR-9TEL-V | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1RPR-2E09-5 | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1XWR-9N4A | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1RER-HN0P | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DT-1R2R-9N29-A | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K3V112DTP16VR-9N49-Z | KAWASAKI | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
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Kawasaki K3V Hydraulic Pump CATEGORIES
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